
As a business owner, you know first-hand that taxes can take a big chunk out of your pocket. No matter how small your business is or how large you grow, you’ll always be on the hook for some kind of taxes. However, the tax code is such that there is always room for strategic tax savings as long as you operate within the laws. Your CPA is the best source of tax-saving strategies, but it can help if you present some of your own ideas, too.


Cash flow is one of the most common problems that all businesses face. It’s also one of the most crippling financial situations that business owners contend with. There are several steps you can take to reduce or eliminate your business cash flow issues. One or more of the following ideas will likely help your situation.

Invoice Immediately


Whether it’s carols blasting in the malls, or menorahs in the window, the holiday season is upon us. For small businesses, it can be a great time to say “thank you” to the clients who’ve helped you have a successful year. Some companies choose to send holiday cards, which only cost pennies, but others want to go above and beyond. Sending a gift can make a deeper impression.


Whether you’re setting up your new business for the first time or simply switching financial institutions, choosing a business bank account is an important decision. It can affect everything from how long it takes you to travel to your branch to your business’ cash flow. It’s not a decision to be taken lightly or made based on some temporary advertising gimmick.


The deadline for implementing the FASB’s new leases accounting standard, ASC 842, is fast approaching. Many private companies are only just now realizing that they need to examine their leases in light of the new requirements to bring most leases on-balance sheet. Adding right-of-use assets and corresponding liabilities could change important ratios and impact lending agreements, and more.


How to accept payments for your business is always of great concern to businesses. Of course, you need to accept credit card payments so that you can offer your products or services to a broader range of customers. But there are many different options for accepting credit card payments. It’s important that you understand how the options compare with each other so you can ensure that you’re using the best choice for you and your customers. 


Getting a divorce can be one of the most stressful times in your life. In addition to the emotional toll, it costs, on average, $15,500. As you split your assets, including cars, homes, and retirement accounts, don’t forget to think about the financial implication of your custody decree.


In business, risk is anything that could negatively impact your revenues, reputation, or future operations. When you try a new vendor, you take on risk. Their products or services could be below your standards, and cost you customers. When you expand an existing business line, there’s the risk that new products and services could not sell.


If you ever want to apply for a small business loan, the lenders will want to see your business plan. Your business plan gives lenders a concise snapshot of your business model. Having a small business plan also gives the owner added benefits. Often, business owners refer back to their business plan to ensure that they are holding true to the foundations of the business.

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