
Most small business owners hope to, or plan to, grow. When you open one café you may have dreams of a nationwide chain. The first product you use to launch your manufacturing business could be one of many designs you have mapped out.


When it comes to getting work done in your business, you have the option of hiring independent contractors or traditional employees. Both types of workers can get the job done, but there are pros and cons of each that you need to be aware of.

Pros of Hiring Employees


Does your company have problems getting paid on time? Certain industries are more vulnerable to this than others, but every business owner has experienced it at least once. There are effective strategies for always getting paid on time that really work. If you put these into place in your company, you may find that you have fewer and fewer overdue payment issues as time goes on.

Don’t Let Receivables Age Too Long


Two of the biggest concerns of those who are investing for retirement are not running out of money and maintaining regular cash flow. It can be difficult to switch from a bi-weekly paycheck to carefully timed withdrawals from a retirement account.  Market fluctuations cause balances to rise and fall, leaving an investor with less in their account than they’d planned. 


Small business owners quickly learn the importance of monitoring their cash flow. The flow of money in and out of your business can impact everything from the stock you have to sell to keeping the lights on. In a perfect world, your cash flows would align.


The percentage of tax returns being audited each year has steadily declined, due in part to dwindling government resources. Still, if you’ve been notified of a pending audit, those percentages don’t mean much. The only thing that matters is the situation that you’re now in. There are two kinds of audits; in person and by mail.


Managing your company’s accounts receivables is one of the most critical aspects of fiscal health. Yet, many business owners fail to effectively handle their accounts receivables, either directly or indirectly. Poor accounts receivables policies can lead to a bevy of problems involving client relations, cash flow, tax return complications and even legal issues.


As we get deeper into the 2019 tax season, some taxpayers are experiencing a delay in receiving their tax refunds.  The old adage that if you are expecting a refund you should file early seems to be coming under fire a bit in recent years, but none so much as the 2019 tax season.  But why?


With the acceptance of the Tax Cuts and Job Act reform, we are now seeing the results of one of the most expansive tax law changes in nearly thirty years.  With this came large changes to the forms and reporting structures themselves.  No longer are Forms 1040-A or 1040-EZ available for use – everyone must file utilizing Form 1040.  While the Form 1040 itself is greatly reduced, there is additional paperwork that may need to be

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