
Coronavirus has disrupted the economy, shuttered businesses, and cause major uncertainty for small business owners. For some, it’s been easy to move their business online or continue fulfilling and shipping orders. For others, sales might have dropped, and you need working capital to pay rent.


For most people, paying taxes is straightforward. You get a paycheck from your employer and the employer has already deducted the amount you owe to the IRS. When it comes time to file your tax return, the discrepancy between what you owe and what you already paid might be minimal. You might have to cut a check to the IRS, but it’s fairly manageable.


In this gig economy, more taxpayers than ever before are receiving tip income. Whether the tips are from waiting tables, driving for Uber, or making home deliveries, those tips are considered taxable income. However, there is a lot of confusion over how to report tip income, what is the threshold for reporting and who should report it. Here is all you need to know about reporting tip income.


Dear Valued Clients,


With the recent coronavirus outbreak, discussions of paid leave, and states of emergency, more attention has been paid to sick time and paid time off than ever before. If you’re a small business owner with just a few employees, you might not have an official sick time policy. Or, you might not have paid much attention to tracking employees’ time off, relying on the honor system.


Do you have an elderly parent or adult relative that you take care of? It doesn’t have to be a parent; it could be an adult child with special needs, an elderly aunt or another close relative. As long as it is a qualifying relationship, the IRS allows you to claim such a persons as a dependent on your tax return. There are certain criteria and it must be done in a certain way, but it can be done.


Being able to borrow is a huge benefit when you need extra help, but debt is a huge burden that is very hard to dig your way out of. The problem is that debt creeps up on you over time. No one purposely goes into debt for tens of thousands of dollars. But little by little, it’s very easy to wind up owing so much that it’s almost impossible to see your way out of debt. Don’t be discouraged if this has happened to you.


Selling cheesecakes on the side, or DJ’ing friend’s weddings? You’re not alone. Over 15% of Americans work a side hustle, for reasons ranging from building a savings account to paying off debt.


Whether you run a brick and mortar business or an ecommerce business, you have to deal with charging sales tax. How and when to charge sales tax has always been a confusing issue for business owners. And since more people are now running both an ecommerce operation in tandem with a brick and mortar operation, the issues are even more confusing. Here are the answers to some of the more commonly asked questions about charging sales tax.

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