
In case you haven't noticed over the years, the federal government tends to move at a very slow pace. This is particularly true of the IRS, where speed is something that rarely, if ever happens. Unfortunately, this is very frustrating when it involves your tax refund. As the COVID-19 pandemic has taken hold across the United States, it has slowed the IRS down even more.


The pandemic has wreaked havoc with many family’s finances. To help with this, the federal government has made it much easier for many parents to take advantage of the child tax credit and advance child tax credit. But, as with anything concerning your taxes and the IRS, there are various guidelines you must follow to ensure your information is correct, and so that you get the tax credit you expect.


When the COVD-19 pandemic hit, thousands of small businesses were shutting their doors, laying off workers, and wondering if they would ever open up again. However, once Congress passed the CARES Act, businesses could take out loans that would prop them up and survive the pandemic. Best of all, these Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans were set up to be forgivable.


Financial fraud is rampant around the world, but citizens of the U.S. have arguably experienced more than their fair share due to our reputation as a wealthy country. Simply by being a U.S. resident, your odds of being targeted for financial fraud may be higher than if you lived in a second or third world country.


Are you thinking of selling your small business? Whether you’re selling it to raise cash for something else, because you want to get out of the business world or because it’s the right time to sell due its overwhelming success, it pays to consider the tax ramifications. Handling tax issues correctly when selling your small business will save you money and keep you secure from any potential problems with the tax man.


As you know, most income you earn or receive over the course of a year is subject to being taxed. While in many situations the taxes are paid through withholding, other situations may require you to make estimated tax payments. Most often, this occurs when an insufficient amount of taxes are withheld from your salary, you receive other forms of income, or you own a business.


One of the best ways to put away money for your retirement is with a Roth IRA. A Roth IRA differs from a traditional IRA in that a Roth IRA lets your money grow tax-free, plus allows for tax-free withdrawals. Knowing that, it’s easy to understand why this is such a popular savings option for so many people.


Many ambitious entrepreneurs launch an online business using their own funds. They use personal savings or max out credit cards. Tactics like these are even lauded. You can find many articles on the internet that encourage entrepreneurs to do whatever it takes to launch their business online.


Do you feel the urge to start your own business? Whether you’re thinking of an online business or something firmly planted in the brick and mortar realm, you’ll be glad to know there are plenty of resources available to you. Most of the following resources are free. Some require a small investment. All of them are valuable and indispensable to entrepreneur-minded folks like you.

1. SBA

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