
As you look ahead to retirement, one of the most important things is making the maximum contributions to your various retirement plans. In 2022, cost-of-living adjustments have resulted in many popular plans now allowing for increased contributions. To make sure you contribute as much as possible toward your retirement, here are some of the 2022 retirement contribution limits that may apply to your situation.


Whether you are an individual or perhaps a business owner who used a credit card to get your business up and running, you know how convenient it is to have a card available for making purchases. Unfortunately, that convenience often leads to using the card more than you should, which in turn results in more debt than you can afford.


As prices on various products and services have risen to levels not been in nearly 40 years, consumers and business owners alike are starting to wonder if inflation will be here to stay. While you can get a different answer to this question from almost any economist, the fact is the current business environment is one that will be difficult for small business owners in many ways.

Purchasing Supplies


As you know by now, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the world's supply chain going haywire. Along with this, it has altered the ability of manufacturers to produce the all-important computer chips that are used in so many things in today's world. While most of the focus regarding the chip shortage has been primarily on automakers and other large corporations, small business owners have felt the impact in many ways.


Did you know that you can make charitable contributions as a business as well as donating as an individual? If not, you’ve been missing out on a great opportunity to get a tax deduction. Of course, if you use a professional CPA you’ve likely already been advised about the benefit of donating. But the tax break is only one aspect of donating.


The current labor shortage is a strange phenomenon. According to the experts, there are millions of jobs available, but not enough workers to fill them. Now, along with supply chain disruptions and chip shortages, businesses of all sizes must deal with an absence of workers to keep their businesses running smoothly.


In what feels like the blink of an eye, we are now at the end of 2021. As a business owner, that means you've got plenty of work ahead of you to get your financial records ready for tax time. However, with the holiday rush and the headaches that have come along courtesy of the pandemic, you may be wondering how you will ever get your books in order.


Though you may be known as a "baby boomer," you and 10,000 others like you are turning 65 each and every day, meaning retirement benefits like Social Security are becoming an important part of your life. Since it's likely Social Security benefits will play a crucial role in your financial future upon retiring, it's vital you stay aware of any changes and how they may impact you moving forward.


When it comes to your taxes, you want to save as much as possible. As December 31 gets closer, it's important to turn your attention to maximizing your ability to take advantage of tax breaks. Whether you had a great year financially or found it to be a struggle, here are some great tax strategies you should implement before year's end.

Defer Your Income

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