The Quick Version:

  • Incoming Server:
  • Incoming Server port - IMAP (preferred): 993
  • Incoming Server port - POP3: 995
  • Incoming Server Security: SSL/TLS
  • Outgoing Server:
  • Outgoing Server SMTP port: 587
  • Outgoing Server Security: SSL/TLS 

Setting up a new email account

  1. In the settings app, choose the category 'mail, contacts, calendars', then choose add an account of type 'other'.
     Inside the settings app - choose mail, contacts, calendars Add a new account from mail, contacts, calendars In the add account dialog choose other
  2. Choose to add a mail account, then enter your name, email, and password on the following screen. When given the option to use imap or pop, choose imap and enter '' for both the incoming and outgoing hosts along with your email and password again. Finish on the following screen by leaving at least 'Mail' checked.
    In the new account screen, type, other, select new mail account Enter basic settings about the new email account - name, email, password All the server settings, host, port, security,etc when setting up an new mail account on iso with CPA Gardens mail server imap settings complete just a few last questions


Modifying an exising account

In the settings for the account ensure that you update the password for both the incoming and outgoing server, and possibly ensure the port is set to 587 using SSL. 
The mail server settings for an existing account on ios change the outgoing server for an existing account on ios Outgoing server settings to use


Syncing calendars and contacts

On the add account screen choose CalDav to connect your calendars, then enter '' as the host followed by your email and new password.
choose add new caldav account on ios  Settings for CalDav on ios CalDav ensure calendar syncing is enabled.
The same process is used for syncing contacts.
add new CardDav account on ios CardDav settings on ios 

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