
When it comes to your parents, you’ve probably always been able to talk to them about anything. Yet, as you find yourself wanting to have a conversation about estate planning, you may be finding it to be harder than you anticipated. A topic often put off far too long, estate planning is a critical component of any family's financial strategy.


As you say goodbye to December and hello to January, one thing you can take advantage of is seasonal discounts. Each and every new year, retailers put various things on sale in January that you can get for very low prices. If you're ready to be a smart shopper and pick up certain products and services to get your year off to a great start, here are just a few of the best things to buy in January.

Christmas Decorations


Most people make New Year's resolutions centered around self-improvement. While you may decide you want to lose a few pounds or perhaps take up a new hobby, you might want to also make some resolutions regarding your finances. If you're ready to make 2023 your best year ever from a financial standpoint, here are some ideas you should consider adding to your list of resolutions.

1. Create an Emergency Fund


Now that 2023 is right around the corner, it’s a good time to look ahead at planning for a brighter financial future. You can review your financial moves in 2022 and consider what worked well and what didn’t. For many people, 2022 was a year to recover financially from the troubles caused by the pandemic. Hopefully, your household was able to make some strides toward getting back on track.


Working from home offers tremendous benefits. If you’re a person who has longed to work from home, it may be possible to make this scenario a reality. Before approaching your boss with the idea, take some steps to see if this would actually be practical for you.

List Your Responsibilities


Whether you're trying to reclaim your credit score, or simply looking for a way to reduce your credit utilization, a balance transfer credit card can be a great solution. Depending on the terms of your balance transfer, you can potentially enjoy low interest rates, as well as a long promotional period that will allow you to pay off your debts in a shorter amount of time.

Beware of High Variable APR After Introductory Period


Investing in pet insurance can be a great way to protect the quality of life of your pet. It could save you money on pet medical bills. It would also give you the assurance that you would be able to pay for pet medical emergencies down the line. However, if your pet ends up being healthy and strong, you could end up paying those monthly premiums for no reason.


If you’ve ever wondered why they don’t teach teens about money in school, you’re not alone. Chances are, either you or your friends have asked this same question. Until the school curriculum changes, teaching teens about money in the real world remains in the domain of parenting.


How many times in the past have you been strapped for cash during the holidays? Do holidays always seem to come at the worst times, when you have a month of unexpected expenses or cash emergencies? Have you repeatedly wished that you could turn back the clock and plan ahead for the extra costs related to gifts and holidays? Managing the extra expenses is totally achievable.

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