
When most people think of foreign accounts, they think of ex-pat living overseas and utilizing banks for the accumulation of their payments.  However, many taxpayers may also be subject to the federal Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts or FBAR reporting without realizing it.  The United States Treasury Department’s


As technologies advance and real estate costs increase, more and more companies are moving towards allowing workers to telecommute.  With the advantages of having remote employees, comes the question of how these employees interact with the company resources.  While many companies choose to provide workers with computers and cellular phones, technology allowances have also become a method by which companies request that the employee provide hi


With the change in the season and the return of fall, many people begin the act of making their homes less cluttered, and we will all begin to get donation requests in the mail.  As the weather cools, we tend to turn an eye towards end of year tax moves as well.  The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 brought about many changes in how businesses and individuals are going to operate starting for 2018 onward.  With the deviations to the itemized dedu


Until the inception of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, entity selection by businesses was a fairly easy decision.  In most cases, businesses chose a form of pass-through entity, given the high tax rate of thirty-five percent given to C corporations in the past.  With the new changes brought forth in TCJA, and the lower tax rate of twenty-one percent, change


When we are working, taxes are a part of daily life and influence the considerations that we take in our spending habits.  Once we start thinking about retiring, we often forget to add in taxes as a component to our thought process.  It is important to understand your tax situation in retirement prior to retiring so that you will be ready when the time comes to pay on the taxes due.

1. Social Security


We’ve all thought it…  Sitting on the beach in a tropical place while attending a quick meeting via your laptop before hitting the waves in the afternoon sun.  Many people imagine that all they must do is get a work Visa, wave good-bye to family and friends and head to sunnier shores for a bit.  Before you jump ship, or hop a plane, there are important tax items to take into consideration.  The Internal Revenue Service will not ignore you just


The Tax Reform Act of 1986 first brought about the concept of taxation on the investment and unearned income for those individuals over thirteen and under seventeen years of age.  It is commonly known as the “Kiddie Tax.”  Originally the law only covered children over fourteen, as children under that age cannot legally work.  This meant that any income of a child


One of the major complications facing aging individuals is the passing down of wealth to the next generation without creating large tax implications.  The dynasty trust is a straightforward estate planning technique that can substantially reduce taxes.


Identity theft isn’t a new crime by any stretch of the imagination.  With the use of electronic fund transactions, electronic tax filing, and the general increase of personal data being available online, identity theft is easy to perpetrate and has increased significantly in the last few years.

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