
Before you start lamenting your empty wallet, take a moment to consider this: you might be sitting on hidden cash without even realizing it. That’s right—your household or business could be a treasure trove of untapped resources just waiting to be discovered.

Check the Couch Cushions—Literally and Figuratively


Running a home business isn’t without its own unique challenges. For all the conveniences that operating a business out of your home brings, there are some pitfalls that all small business owners have in common should strive to avoid. Ironically, the same admirable inclinations that gave you the tools to start and run your home business may be the very ones that prove to be your downfall.


Being married brings many advantages besides having someone to help fold the laundry or comfort you when you’re having a rough day. Tax benefits are another benefit, although people don’t get married to save on taxes, thankfully. But in the U.S., if you do happen to be married, you should know that there are a great number of tax benefits to be had. Your CPA can tell you all about it during your next appointment.


Preparing taxes isn’t most people’s idea of a good time. Usually, tax time is considered something of a downer, especially for anyone trying to do their own taxes. If you make the sound choice to hire a CPA, the entire process can be a lot easier, though.


Failing to file your taxes for several years can feel overwhelming. Whether you missed deadlines due to life circumstances, a misunderstanding of tax obligations, inability to pay your tax liability or simply procrastination, you may be worried about the consequences of not filing. You should be, because the IRS takes a dim view of tax evasion for any reason. But there’s good news, too.


Despite the changing economy, real estate remains one of the most reliable ways to build wealth. The downside to that is, the more wealth you build, the more taxes you usually have to pay. For many, finding legal ways to lower taxes is an ongoing hunt. Surprisingly, the government has actually given active real estate investors a very simple—and legal—way to defer capital gains tax on real estate transactions.


If your business has clients that are likely to want to pay with crypto, should you allow it? Since cryptocurrency first hit the currency market, it has caused excitement, disappointment and finally relegation. Even governments around the world are now adopting cryptocurrency as an official form of currency. But is it right for your business?


Being named as the executor of an estate is a great compliment and a serious responsibility. It signifies that the person who appointed you both trusts you and thinks highly of your abilities to carry out their wishes. However you came by this appointment, it’s very important that you fully understand your role and the steps involved.


Running a home-based business comes with a ton of benefits, not the least of which is working for yourself. But just because you’ve successfully gotten rid of your morning commute doesn’t mean you lack other challenges specific to working from home. One of the most challenging aspects is managing finances. While you’re creating your service or product and marketing your wares, who’s watching the books?

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